We have many faithful companions aboard the Caroline. They all have special abilities and are well loved. They each have their own special jobs, too!
Ensign Ser Gray Tal Boots

Ensign Ser Gray Tal Boots is the official Ship’s Dog and his responsibilities involve keeping an eye on the Tribbles and BALL. When not working, he enjoys borking at anything, looking out the windows, and checking the Munch Box for snacks.
Lieutenant Bee

Lieutenant Bee is the Ship’s Food Taster, and can be found chasing Gray out of the kitchen and away from the Replicators.
Ensign Ori

Ensign Ori is new to the Ship, and currently works as the QuarterMaster of Naughtiness. We do hope she trains hard and can move up to official Quartermaster Assistant duties soon.
Commander Enya

Commander Enya is the Ship’s Official QuarterMaster. If you are out of supplies, you have to see her first. She often can be found riding on the shoulders of the Chief of Ops.
Commander Betty

Commander Betty is our resident Emotional Support Catto. She can be found in Sickbay where her purrs and cuddles have been known to have a restorative effect.